What is the state of LGBT organizations’ financial health? Are the resources of local LGBT community centers sufficient to support the programs that are needed to serve the people who depend on them? How are statewide organizations balancing their work among various movement priorities, such as legislation, public education, coalition work and electoral campaigns? Which key LGBT issues are these organizations focused on right now? How have the lingering effects of the recent economic downturn affected the finances and operations of national LGBT advocacy organizations?
MAP provides answers to these and other questions so that supporters of LGBT equality can have a better understanding of the overall strength, capacity and operations of the LGBT movement. MAP’s ongoing analysis of the movement’s capacity provides organizations and their funders and supporters with information they can use to set goals and strategy, apply resources more effectively, and measure the success of the movement’s work. MAP’s analysis also allows for deeper understanding of the capacity of specific segments within the movement—including national advocacy organizations, statewide groups, local community centers, and international advocacy organizations.
January 2024 - This publicly available report series offers an annual snapshot look at the national LGBTQI movement’s revenue and expenses, fundraising, and other indicators of financial health.
July 2023 - The report’s findings are based on a survey that examined the scope of the MacKenzie Scott's gifts to LGBTQI organizations and the transformative impact that these unrestricted gifts have had on organizations so far, allowing them to plan for the future and broaden their impact.
July 2023 - This report provides the findings from the March-April 2023 Pulse Survey, in which LGBTQI organizations shared their experiences in 2022 and their current activities and plans for 2023. The latest in the Pulse Survey series, this report builds on 17 years of MAP's movement capacity research.
January 2023 - This publicly available report series offers an annual snapshot look at the national LGBTQI movement’s revenue and expenses, fundraising, and other indicators of financial health.
December 2021 - This publicly available report series offers an annual snapshot look at the national LGBTQI movement’s revenue and expenses, fundraising, and other indicators of financial health.
December 2021 - This report presents results from our Q3 pulse survey and demonstrates the impact of COVID-19 and the uncertainty that continues to mark how LGBTQI and allied organizations provide services and support to LGBTQI people.
September 2021 - This report presents results from our Q2 pulse survey and shows how LGBTQI and allied organizations have managed amid another resurgence of cases and the Delta variant of COVID-19.
June 2021 - This report uses survey data from Q1 2021 and provides LGBTQI and allied organizational reflections on 2020 overall and a first look at expectations for 2021.
January 2021 - This report uses survey data from November 2020and provides the broadest view of the pandemic’s impact on LGBTQI and allied organizations in 2020.
September 2020 - This report examines the impact of COVID-19 on LGBTQI and allied organizations.
December 2009 - This 2009 presentation assesses challenges and opportunities for the LGBT movement, examines barriers that impede support for LGBT equality by "moveable middle" Americans, and reviews recent progress in advancing political, legal and social equality for LGBT people in the U.S.
April 2009 - Based on a 2009 survey of national, state and local LGBT organizations, as well as individual and institutional donors, this report provides a snapshot of how the economic downturn that began in 2008 affected LGBT movement organizations and their donors.
July 2008 - Work to promote LGBT equality around the globe has expanded rapidly over the past several years. This 2008 report provides advocates and funders with information on the growing number of international LGBT organizations, key players in the global LGBT equality movement, and more.
2010 - Compiled by the Equality Federation, this 2009 report analyzes LGBT statewide advocacy organizations’ staffing, board leadership, infrastructure, funding, capacity and policy priorities. Reports from 2006-2008, also available, were produced jointly by MAP and the Equality Federation.
December 2011 - Compiled by the Equality Federation, this 2009 report analyzes LGBT statewide advocacy organizations’ staffing, board leadership, infrastructure, funding, capacity and policy priorities. Reports from 2006-2008, also available, were produced jointly by MAP and the Equality Federation.Produced annually since 2002 by Funders for LGBTQ Issues, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Queer Grantmaking by U.S. Foundations compiles information on the top funders and their areas of philanthropic focus.
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